Event Logo Image
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Single Ticket $0.00


Couple Ticket (2 included) $0.00

Premier seating for Four (4 included) $0.00
  • Admission and seating for four.
  • Complimentary drink ticket.
  • Name recognition on program.


Platinum Sponsor (6 included) $0.00
  • Featured recognition including SMSA website and pre-event marketing including radio and print
  • Admission for six at Ledgerfest
  • Pre-event marketing including radio and print
  • Special recognition, either business or personal, during the evening 
  • Recognition in our emails which go out to over 4,500 email addresses, with a 35% click-to-open rate! (On average, the national email click-to-open rate is 12.99% in nonprofit emails)
  • Facebook posts go out to over 3,000 followers and are frequently shared
  • Full page advertisement in event program

Gold Sponsor (4 included) $0.00
  • Printed program and SMSA website recognition     
  • Admission for four at Ledgerfest              
  • Special recognition, either business or personal during the evening
  • Full page advertisement in event program
  • Recognition in our emails which go out to over 4,500 email addresses, with a 35% click-to-open rate! (On average, the national email click-to-open rate is 12.99% in nonprofit emails)
  • Facebook posts go out to over 3,000 followers and are frequently shared.

Silver Sponsor (2 included) $0.00
  • Name printed in program and SMSA website recognition
  • Admission for two at Ledgerfest
  • Recognition in our emails which go out to over 4,500 email addresses, with a 35% click-to-open rate! (On average, the national email click-to-open rate is 12.99% in nonprofit emails)
  • Facebook posts go out to over 3,000 followers and are frequently shared

Entertainment Sponsor $0.00
  • Printed program and SMSA website recognition

I would like to make a donation

I authorize St. Mary's Springs Academy to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Ledgerfest 2024. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.
When: Saturday, March 23, 2023 - 5:00 p.m. Doors Open
What: Enjoy an evening of laughs and mingling with your friends and fellow SMSA families. Come dressed in casual night out attire, enjoy fantastic food, drinks, raffles and the best silent and live auction to date, all in support of St. Mary's Springs Academy! 
Where: THELMA Sadoff Center for the Arts (51 Sheboygan St., Fond du Lac)